Tuesday, September 16, 2008

hi everyone : )
Well, can i start with War Eagle! I watched my first AU game this past weekend. You can see my picture on the right. I'm wearing my AU onesie. It made me happy as you can see. I watched the game with my mommy and Grandad and Jax and Aunt Sophie. They came to visit me for the first time last week. I'm really glad I got to finally meet them. My Aunt Sophie is so pretty. She has long beautiful hair that I like to look at. My daddy was out of town in a wedding. I missed him. I was so happy when he came back, I did a double take. Mommy took good care of me though. I'm eating a lot more now. 7 ounces the other day. And i don't spit up nearly as much anymore. That makes my mommy and daddy happy. I personally never minded. Except when it was a lot and it came out of my nose. That was not fun. I'm trying really hard to talk these days. I have so much to say. I still like to stare at the bookcase, but now that i can see farther away I like to watch the TV. Mommy and daddy don't like me to see it too much though. I guess that's it for now. My Grammy and Papa come next month to see me again. I'm glad. Cause I was really little when they first came and I can't remember much.  I'm going to remember a lot more from their next visit cause I'm getting more brain cells. : )
Well, guess I'll talk to y'all later. Hope everyone is doing well. Let's hope the Tigers can pull out a W this Saturday against LSU. They're going to have to score more than 3 points. I know that, and I'm just a baby!

Peace out. and War Eagle.....

My name is Beck and I approve this message : )

Thursday, August 21, 2008

hi everyone. it's been a while since i've posted. i was waiting til i could figure out how to upload a funny video of me with a frog puppet, but i still can't figure out how to do it. so....i figured i'd just drop a line and say hello to all my friends and family out there. today i am 10 weeks old. i'm feeling pretty good. i still spit up, but not as much. maybe my baby digestive system is beginning to work a little better. my favorite thing to do is look at all the books in my parents' bookcase. i love all the patterns and colors. i could sit and stare at the books for hours. i really like the bach goldberg variations. i listen to it while i'm drifting off to sleep during nap time. i love to go outside and just feel the breeze in my hair. yep, i've still got my hair. even more now! i've uploaded some new pics of me. i hope y'all are all well and happy. can't wait to see everyone. i'd like to give a shout out  to my aunti suzanne and leelee . they came to visit and helped my mommy and daddy and played with me a lot!!!  they're traveling across the country in a really old, but cool, VW. i hope they make it : )

well, guess that's it for now. 
peace out dawgs. woof woof.....


Saturday, August 9, 2008

aunty lele got me smiling! wait for it.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

just a quick post to let you all know that i slept over 8 hours in a row last night!  wow!  i sure did wake up hungry, though.  but it was worth it.  later gators.  


Thursday, July 31, 2008

hey everybody!!  sorry it's been a while.  i've been quite busy.  i've gained 19 ounces!  i'm probably gaining as we speak.  mommy and daddy have been very efficient in feeding me and i love it.  everyone's happy.  i just haven't made it to the internet in a while.  good news, i made it through my first earthquake!  hallelujah!  we were visiting doctor mann on the third floor of her medical building.  the building just seemed to roll with the earth.  mommy says that was supposed to happen.  she says that means the building absorbed the shock.  i'm just glad to have made it through.  more good news!  i've been sleeping a lot at night!  mommy and daddy have been very happy with this.  i've slept for nine hours two nights in a row!  mommy and daddy look so much more rested and they play with me more because they have energy.  life is good.  i hope you are all well.  this post is dedicated to my dear great aunt joyce.  i wish you all the best in your recovery and i'll be praying my infant prayers for you.  i love you.  


check out my new video below.  i'm big enough to fit in my sling and i like it.  i feel like a kangaroo.  

Thursday, July 10, 2008

hello there everyone. i hope this blog finds y'all doing well. it's a big day for me. i am officially one month old today. my mom and dad see me every day so they don't know if i've changed all that much. but......i'll let you in on some new achievements. i can lift my head pretty well about 45 degrees all by myself. i've gotten pretty strong and can really arch my back and i can also push off with my feet when my mommy is burping me. she has to hold on to me pretty tight or i may go flying! i'm also awake a lot more these days. just looking around, checking things out. i'm also fussing a little more. at least that's what mom and dad think i'm doing. i'm really just practicing talking. working out those lungs you know. well, i guess that's it for now. i'm going to go back to sleep. or maybe i'll eat some more. or maybe i'll just fuss a little........

Friday, July 4, 2008

happy 4th of july everyone!  guess what?  mommy bought me the "miracle blanket" a.k.a. baby straight jacket and i've been sleeping much better!  it's amazing.  the blanket keeps my arms from flying everywhere and i feel so safe and secure it just makes me want to be peaceful.  i know my parents are happy about that.  i hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend.  mommy and daddy are firing up the grill!  we'll see if i let them both eat at the same time.  ha!  later gator!    


Tuesday, July 1, 2008