Thursday, August 21, 2008

hi everyone. it's been a while since i've posted. i was waiting til i could figure out how to upload a funny video of me with a frog puppet, but i still can't figure out how to do it. so....i figured i'd just drop a line and say hello to all my friends and family out there. today i am 10 weeks old. i'm feeling pretty good. i still spit up, but not as much. maybe my baby digestive system is beginning to work a little better. my favorite thing to do is look at all the books in my parents' bookcase. i love all the patterns and colors. i could sit and stare at the books for hours. i really like the bach goldberg variations. i listen to it while i'm drifting off to sleep during nap time. i love to go outside and just feel the breeze in my hair. yep, i've still got my hair. even more now! i've uploaded some new pics of me. i hope y'all are all well and happy. can't wait to see everyone. i'd like to give a shout out  to my aunti suzanne and leelee . they came to visit and helped my mommy and daddy and played with me a lot!!!  they're traveling across the country in a really old, but cool, VW. i hope they make it : )

well, guess that's it for now. 
peace out dawgs. woof woof.....


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